Britt Bernard
- Born the 25th of may in Luxemburg
- Very young she starts drawing and painting and takes
courses in music, theatre, ceramic and gravure
- Baccalauréat in Lyceum in Luxemburg-city (1972)
- Works 2 years in State Carrier (Redacteur). Not satisfied of that kind of life,...
- she leaves for France: Art studies at the Univerity of Strasburg, DIPLOMA IN ARTS PLASTIQUES 1981
- During the same period studies FOTO and Weaving at the ART DECO school in Strasburg
- Leaves to live in Greece for 4 years. Lives there in different parts (Islands, Cyprus, Crete, Kalamata,...)
- She stays for one year in Santorini, where she studies the architecture of this wonderful island, writes a small book about it for the university in France, and prepares an exhibition of Foto-paintings in Athens
- Her first big personal expo in Athens (1982) is a great success. She stays there to teach in Tassis Hellenic highschool for one year (and gives private lessons in French, German and English)
- End of that year she goes to New Orleans (USA) for the planned exhibition there, and then moves back to Luxemburg after this trip.
- She takes courses in Dancing, Theatre and Pantomime, ... and begins to restore the old house of her grand-father.
- After 3 years of teaching in Lyzeum Michel-Rodange, she takes the State Exam: PROFESSOR OF ART EDUCATION
- in 1985 before accepting a new task, she stops teaching for one year,.. goes to India for some months and stays the rest of the year in Greece where she lives and works with Egyptians
- Back to Luxemburg, in 1986, she accepts a job in the Lyzeum Mathias Adam in Petange
- The first years she goes back to Greece very often,.. and Egypt) and continues restoring the house of her grand-father for many years
- 1992 Mariage... She moves to the north Luxemburg
- Teaches in Lyzeum of Wiltz and during 20 years restaures a big farmer house with her husband.
- Step by step an Atelier an an Exposition room Expo ARDOS come to exist
- In 1997 she interrupts teaching, to study Art therapy in
- Cologne (Germany) for 4 years
- DIPLOMA OF ART THERAPY in 2001. She goes back teaching for some time and in 2006 she decides to work only in Art-therapy and in Creation (Atelier and Expositions)
- The old barn of the farmer house, next to the Atelier, becomes a big and bright room. For many years she gives Seminaries here (and in other institutions)... Art therapy, Ceramic, Paper and Landart)
- Live brings unexpected changes, ... and since 2016 she lives between Greece and Luxemburg. (Ateliers and regularily Exhibitions and Seminaries, in both countries)
- During all these years Britt continues to attend courses,... Dance, Video-dance, Body expression, Experimentation with the voice, Dance and Voice improvisation, Guitar and Piano, Raku Ceramic (France), Building with clay (Germany), Silver jewelry (Germany and Belgium) and Production of paper with plants (Germany)...
2007: Publication of the Book "Bilder und Spiegelbilder "
In other books:
- "Begegnungen" by Bernd Leidinger (textillustrations)
- "Abschied und Neubeginn" by Bernd Leidinger (textillustrations)
- "BIBLE DE L'ART ABSTRAIT" tome II , ed. lelivredart Paris 2009/2010
- "ART 20e et 21e siècle", ed Regard 2009
- To see the art, is the art to see, European Art Museum Danemark de Leif Nielsen 2018
... and many articles in newpapers and periodical magazines