Logo Britt Bernard



Book Britt Bernard

"Bilder und Spiegelbilder"

("Images and mirror images")

ISBN 978-2-87996-702-8

The book is in german language, ... but there is not much text. Around 400 photos of Art works, ... going with the chapters of the artist's life. The book is 20 x 27,5 cm and has 120 pages in colour. You can find it in all big libraries in Luxemburg.
SENDING of the Book:
Price: 27 euros in Luxemburg, 30 euros for other countries in Europe (postage included). Don’t forget to mention "Book Bilder und Spiegelbilder", ... and your address.
Please send the money to the following bank account:
Britt Bernard 
CCPL: IBAN LU97 1111 0480 5237 0000